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时间:2022-07-14 16:55:03 来源:网友投稿




 我们的世界不会停下脚步 Our world never stops moving, 只会不断更新 changing, 进化 evolving. 我们每天都在重复 Every day, we go about our routines. 工作 回家 Work, home, family. 但是 我们是谁? But who are we? 我是谁? Who am I? 你自以为了解你贤淑的妻子 You think you know your beautiful wife... 可爱的孩子 your adorable kids... 你的工作对象 and who you work for. 万一事实并非如此呢? But what if you don"t? 真♥相♥ And the truth... 要是被揭穿的话 once you knew it... 一切都会改变 would change everything. 又做噩梦了? Another nightmare? 是 Yeah. 对不起 I"m sorry. 求你看看医生吧 Please see someone. 我和孩子都很担心你 I"m worried about you, and so are the girls. 我会想办法的 I can figure this out. 想听个更可怕的噩梦吗?

 Wanna hear an even scarier nightmare? 从前有个丈夫 This husband... 他不肯解决自己的问题 refuses to deal with his issues, 然后他太太因为睡眠不足疯掉了 and so his wife goes insane from lack of sleep, 把丈夫一手推出窗外 and pushes him out a window. 完 The end. 猴子看见什么 就跟着做什么 Monkey see, monkey do! 你在做什么? Hey, what are you doing? 和猴子玩 你可以来当我助手 Playing with monkey. You can be my assistant. 当你助手? 那真不错 I can be your assistant? Well, I"d love to be your assistant, 不过我得准时上班 but I have to get to work on time. 偷偷跟你说 But you know what? 大家最近不都很用功吗? Since we"ve all been working really hard lately, right? 尤其是赫曼 Especially Herman. 尤其是赫曼 我也是这么想的 Especially Herman, that"s what I was thinking. 不如我今天早点下班 然后一家人去码头吧 Why don"t I get off of work early and we can go to the pier? 汉娜也会一定要来吗? Does Hanna have to come? 汉娜当然要一起来 你姐当然也要来了 Hanna does have to come. Yeah, your big sister has to come. 我们会强行让她享受美好时光的 But we"re gonna force her to have a good time, 如果行不通的话 让我示范一下我们会怎么办 and if not... I"ll show you. I"ll show you what we"re gonna do. 不! No, no!

 停下来! Stop, stop, stop! 话说回来 她到哪去了? Speaking of which, uh, where is she? 只有一个可能 噢 One guess. Oh. 爸爸再见 露丝再见 Bye, Daddy. Bye, Luce. 我忘了 萨曼莎一直问 Oh, and Samantha keeps asking 我们什么时候会办个派对 庆祝我工作那边 when we"re gonna have that party to celebrate my work thing. 对哦… Oh, yeah, um... 就明天吧 Let"s do it tomorrow. 真的吗? 对 Yeah? Yeah. 好吧 Okay. 我都快忘记朋友长什么样子了 I"m beginning to forget what our friends look like. 哈哈 Ha ha. 我爱你 我也是 Love you. You too. 码头! The pier! 早安 Good morning. 大堂? Lobby? 是 谢谢 Yes, please. 外面天气不错 It"s nice weather outside. 升降机运作途中请勿交谈 谢谢合作 No talking while the elevator is in motion, please. 你对 Oh, that"s right. 好吧

 Okay. 看 完美时机 Oh, look at that, perfect timing. 彼特 你好 Pete. Hey. 電梯小姐 Ms. Elevator Person. 工作如何 How"s the j o b? 先生 我只是无足轻重的小人物 Just a cog in the machine, sir. 就算想对公♥司♥表达不满 也不会有人理我 I"d complain to corporate, but who would listen? 谢谢你 小姐 Thank you, miss. 莱特先生? Hey, Mr. Wright? 我可以晚些过来 看看梅根吗? Can I come see Maggie later? 没问题 我们新买♥♥了一套音响装置呢 Totally. Hey, we"ve got a new sound system set up. 跳舞派对! 好极了! Dance party time! Awesome! 其实我们家今晚有个团圆夜 Actually, tonight we were planning on family night. 好吧 那下次吧 Okay, cool. Another time. 玩得开心点! Enjoy! 你想干嘛? 等等!不! What are you trying to do? Wait, wait! No, no! Wait, wait, wait! 我知道我最近几个星期都忽略了你们 I know I"ve been out of it these last couple weeks. 几个星期而已? Weeks? 讽刺得好 That was a good insult. 谢谢 Thank you. 我们可以一家团聚享受时光吗? Can we please spend time as a family?

 我真的很想弥补我的过失 I really want to make it up to you guys. 那要做什么? So what are we gonna do? 我不知道 I don"t know. 可能你得上楼去问问了 Guess you"re just gonna have to go upstairs and find out. 干! God dammit! 重设 Reset. 哇 Wow. I don"t remember the last time I saw you crash a machine. 我多久没看过你毁掉机器了 这道裂口同时烧了两个系统 The current split and blew up both the systems. 睡得还好吗? 嗯 好点了 Sleeping okay? Yeah. Well, better. 说起来就好笑 You know, it"s funny, I was talking to somebody 我去了看医生 然后他们让我去一家诊所 and they were telling me about this clinic that people go to... 专治失眠跟压力 for, you know, sleeplessness and stress. I could get you the number. 我只是想… 不 这只是个小失误而已 I"m just trying... No, no. It"s just a little mistake. 我会修理好它的 I"m gonna fix it. 好的 我明白 Sure. I got you. 好 Okay. 需要什么就跟我说吧 好 Let me know if you need anything. Okay. 啊…大卫? Oh, um... David? 我可不可以今天… 早点下班? Is there any way I could... take off early today? 那你要那诊所电♥话♥吗?

 Will you call the number for me? 要 Yeah. 那没问题 All right. 目的是更新排水系统 The aim would be to update the drainage systems 横越普雷斯科特 考尔德 维洛 along Prescott, Calder, and Willow. 我认为只要集中改善地下管道 Now, I believe that if we focus on the tunnels beneath these streets, 就能将城西整体地表徑流 减少高达三成 we could reduce overall runoff in the city"s west side by up to 30%. 谢谢大家 今天到此为止 Thank you all so much. That"s all for today. 他们早应该在几年前完成改善工程了 They should have done the upgrade years ago. 爱丽丝 刚才真是精彩 Hey, that was great, Al. 谢谢 甭客气 Thank you. Not at all. 晋升你果然明智 It makes me look good for promoting you. 你今晚会不会想留下来? You want to work late tonight, 一起谈谈怎样用水和电力 让这项目成功 talk about how to get this over the line with Water and Power? 我刚刚才想问你今天能不能早下班 Oh, I I was actually going to ask you if I could leave early today. 没问题 谢谢 Yeah. Thank you. (终身精神健康中心)

 WHOLE LIFE WELLNESS CENTER 留他们一线生机 If we gave them a chance, maybe they could be of benefit to the planet. 或许他们会对地球作出贡献呢 而且 无论我们喜欢与否 他们也得待在这里 Besides, whether we like it or not, they"re here to stay, 所以我们应该放手一搏 so we should entertain the possibility 赋予他们人♥权♥ 像你和我一样

 they be given the same rights as you and I. 跟我们一样的人♥权♥? 不可能 Same rights as you and I? They have no rights. 到某个时刻 他们就会起来 At some point, they will rise up, 侵袭我们 征服我们 they will overtake us, they will subdue us. 知道吗?他们会侵占人类 Okay? They will conquer humanity. 我不是想危言耸听 但是事情已经正在发生了 I don"t mean to be alarmist, but it"s happening, 既然知道它已经发生了 现在就要采取行动! we see it happening, and we need to take action now! 爱丽丝! Alice! 有人看到吗?那道光? Do you do you see that? Do you see that light? 那道光? That light? (都市古董店)

 CITY ANTIQUES 或许他要加班而已 He probably just had to stay late at work. 你不用帮他找借口了 You don"t need to make excuses for him. 亲爱的 你绝对有权生他的气 You have the right to be upset with him, honey. 他应该打电♥话♥回来的 He should have called. 你知道他很爱你的 He loves you, you know that. 嗯 我知道 Yeah, I know. 晚安 Good night. 真的很对不起 Hey, I"m really sorry. 你还有时间去购物 我买♥♥给孩子的

 你说是就是 I see you got time to go shopping. Oh, I got this for the girls. Sure you did. 你就不能让我歇歇? 谁让你累了? Can you just give me a break? A break? From what, exactly?



 From me? Or the girls? That"s not what I"m saying. 但你在做的事情就是那个意思 Okay, well, it sure as hell is what you"re doing. 我又做了噩梦 I had one of those nightmares, 就在今天…工作的时候 today... at work. 我昏倒了 所以我到现在才回家 I passed out, and that"s why I"m late. 彼特 我… Peter, I... 我很担心你 你知道吗? I am worried about you, okay? 我知道 I know. 我 还有你的女儿 她们也很担心你 This is me, this is your daughters, they"re worried about you too. 我不… I don"t... 不明白为什么你不肯去求助 understand why you won"t just get some help. 因为他们只会说是我想多了 They"re just gonna say it"s in my head. 因为你真的是想得太多了 Because it is just in your head. 妈妈? Mommy? 你们怎么在大喊大叫? Why were you guys yelling? 没事 宝贝 走吧 什么事也没有 It"s okay, baby. Come on. Everything"s fine. 妈妈 起来吧 Mommy, wake up. 妈妈 求你了 快起来 Mommy, please, wake up. 求求你 Please. 妈妈 起来啊 Mommy, wake up.

 妈妈 求你起来吧 Mommy, please, wake up. 孩子不! Girls! No, no, no, no! Stop! 消停点! 孩子们! Girls! 孩子 拜托你们安静点 Hey, girls! Girls! Stop for a second, please. Have you seen my briefcase anywhere? No! (终身精神健康中心)

 WHOLE LIFE WELLNESS CENTER 孩子们 早安 Morning, girls. 可以谈谈昨晚的事吗? Can we talk about last night? 汉娜… Hanna... 我很抱歉 Hey, I"m sorry. 赫曼怎么了? Hey, what"s up with Herman? 他一声不吭了 是吗? He won"t talk anymore. Yeah? 可能他在生你的气 Maybe he"s mad at you. 噢 Oh. 嗯… Well... 他这样是有道理的 he has every right to be. 露丝 我可以跟赫曼说两句吗? Hey, Luce, can I talk to Herman? 赫曼 我知道你多伤心 Herman, I understand your frustration, 还有… and... 虽然道歉代表不了什么 while an apology isn"t fix all, 但是我想跟你说声对不起 昨晚错过了团圆夜 I am sorry that I missed family night.

 你想的话 我可以帮他检查一下 If you want, I can take a look at him, 看看能不能治好他嗓子 see if there"s anything I can do about that voice. 他什么时候才能再说话? When"s he gonna talk again? 只要调整一下他的电线 I think if we just reroute one of these wires... 好了 赫曼 你有话要说吗? All right, Herman, what do you say? 猴子看见什么 就跟着做什么! Monkey see, monkey do! 谢谢 爸爸 Thanks, Dad. 猴子看见什么 就跟着做什么! Monkey see, monkey do! 我打了电♥话♥给医生 I called that doctor. 今天下班后就过去 She"s gonna see me after work today. 真的吗? Really? 真的 Yup. You bet. 我们终身健康中心 最重视你的精神健康 Here at Whole Life, your mental health is our number one priority. 免费享用我们一丝不苟的专业服务 Become the best you you can be, 成就自己最好的一面 with our discreet and expert services, provided at no cost to you, 共建乐观而健康的社会 in the interest of a happy and healthy society. 你看到了什么? What do you see? 抱歉 你说什么? I"m sorry, what? 你有睡眠障碍对吧? You"re having trouble sleeping, right? 是的 好 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

 有东西要来了 Well, something"s coming. 什么意思? What do you mean something"s coming? 那些光 The lights. 没错 天上那些光 Yeah, up above. 人们在街上跑… All ...

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