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时间:2022-07-06 10:25:04 来源:网友投稿




 -来了 -好棒… - There it is! - Wow. Wow. 按照习俗 我们要在今天表达感谢 Well, it"s tradition that today we give thanks. 我有一位让人惊叹的妻子 和一位优秀的儿子 I have an amazing wife and a wonderful son 而他将做到我年轻时无法做到的事 who"s about to do what I couldn"t in my day, 赢得弗罗里达州游泳冠军 win the Florida state swimming championship. 别碰 Don"t touch. -佩德洛 你在做什么

 -我去散散步 - What are you doing, Pedro? - I think I"m gonna go for a walk. 不行 儿子 No, you"re not, Son. 今天是重要的日子 是感恩节 Today is important. It"s Thanksgiving. 按照习俗应该和家人一起度过 And tradition says we should spend it with family. 我想感谢各位今天来到这里 I"d like to thank everyone for coming, 尤其是很少回来的人 especially those who never come around anymore 今天很荣幸 他们来到这里 but who graced us with their presence today. 你确定不要过来

 Are you sure you don"t want to come over? 我爸… My dad is like… 再喝几瓶葡萄酒就要开始唱歌♥ 弹琴了 two bottles of wine away from singing and playing the piano. 听起来很有意思 不了 我宁肯待在这里 Sounds like a blast. No, I"d rather stay here. 嘿 我很想你 Hey, listen, I miss you. -我也爱你 很爱 -我也爱你 拜拜 - I love you too. Lots. -Love you too. Bye. -我要没收你的手♥机♥ -抱歉 - I"m going to take away your phone. - Sorry. -不 因为你压根就不在乎… -好啦…

 - No, because you don"t think about… - Okay, okay, okay. 姐妹 去和他一起吃吧 Girlfriend, go eat with him. 然后丢下你一人 怎么可能 And leave you here alone? That"s gonna be a no. -我才不在乎什么感恩节 -你以为我在乎

 - I don"t give a fuck about Thanksgiving. - And you think I do? 相比于表达谢意 我们西班牙人更乐意发牢骚 In Spain, we"re more into criticizing than giving thanks. 而且我们更喜欢进行心理分♥析♥ 对吧

 And we"re more into psychoanalyzing, you know? 好烂 That"s pretty bad. 别管他们了 他们可以家人团聚 上演各种狗血 Forget them. They can have family and all its problems. 我们只需要朋友 All we need is good friends. -敬友谊 -敬人生 - To friends. - To life. 你还好吗

 How are you? 佩德洛 发生了什么

 What the fuck happened, Pedro? 我不知道 I don"t know. 账簿上都是我的签名 我的名字 My signature is on the books. My name. 我给账簿做了手脚 是因为你发誓你会把钱还回去 I cooked the books because you swore you were going to get the money back. 对 Yes. 我们不该在这里聊 We shouldn"t talk about this here. 嘿 Hey. 我已经在这关了两天 I"ve been locked up here for two days. 我的账户都冻结了 连保释金都无法支付 All of my accounts are frozen. I can"t even post bail. 我会救你出来 我保证 I"m going to get you out of here. I promise.

 我没做错任何事 I haven"t done anything wrong. 我是一个正直的人 I"m an honest person. 我报告了失窃 I reported the robbery. 你来找我帮忙时 我帮助你 And when you asked me for help, I was there for you. 厄尼斯托 我不会忘了你的 我保证 I won"t forget about you, Ernesto. I promise. 我会救你出来的 I"ll get you out of here. 救我出去 Get me out of here. (迈阿密警局)

 别让我觉得自己是反派 因为我不是 好吗

 Don"t make me feel like the bad guy. Because I"m not, okay? 他为了我牺牲了自己 He sacrificed himself for me. 难道我没有

 And I haven"t? 如果不是我 坐牢的就是你 If it weren"t for me, you"d be the one sitting in that cell. 我们会失去一切 And we would have lost everything. 竞选 房♥子 家 The campaign, our house, our family. (伊萨贝尔)

 您所拨♥打♥的号♥码是空号♥ The number you have reached is not in service. 索菲娅 冷静下来 不要急 Calm down, Sofía. Just calm down. 拜托 冷静下来 乌戈什么都不知道 Please, calm down. Hugo doesn"t know anything. 是吗 真的 难道只是“听着 亲爱的 Oh, yeah? Really? It"s just, "Look, honey, 我需要你发一些勒索短♥信♥ 给几个朋友 但是别问原因 好吗

 I need you to send some blackmail texts to a few friends, but don"t ask why, okay? 不用好奇 没什么可疑的” Don"t ask questions. There"s nothing to see here." 不可能 你弄得一团乱 你不该把他牵扯进来 就这么简单

 No fucking way! It"s a fucking mess. You shouldn"t have involved him. Period. -他不可能置身事外 他是我儿子 -不 他不是你儿子 - He"s already involved. He"s my son. - No! He"s not your son. 丹妮 他不是你儿子 He"s not your son, Dani. 他是我们 20 年前杀死的女人的儿子 He"s the son of the woman we killed 20 years ago. 如果他发现我们勒索他们的原因 What if he finds out why we"re blackmailing them 然后全都说出来呢 想一想 and he tells everything? Think about it. 我的天啊 你好好想想 你不知道我是为了我们才这么做的

 Think about it, for fuck"s sake. Can"t you see I"m doing all this for us? (马科斯 我们能聊聊吗 )

 MARCOS, COULD WE TALK? (请给我打电♥话♥ 我不懂是怎么回事)

 CALL ME PLEASE, I DON"T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. 欢迎 好久不见 Welcome! You were missed. 我来了 Here I am. 回来了 Back at it. 你看起来状态不好 You don"t look good. 我只是…最近睡得不好 I just… I haven"t been sleeping well lately. 你确定是因为那个

 Sure that"s the reason? 还能是因为什么

 What else could it be? 我和伊萨贝尔聊过了 I spoke with Isabel. 问她要不要和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐 To ask her if she"d be joining us for Thanksgiving. 是 Right. 你妈妈去世时我也是来诊所避世 I also took refuge in the clinic when Mom passed away. 我不想待在家里 而且… I didn"t want to step foot in the house and…

 你不记得了 你那时还小 You don"t remember. You were so young. 我知道我搞砸了 爸 但这是我自己的事 好吗

 I know I fucked up, Dad, but this is my business. Okay? 伊萨贝尔仍然很爱你 Isabel still loves you very much. 我们聊过一个人可以… And we"ve talked about how someone can-- 可以为自己的所作所为承担责任 can take responsibility for what they"ve done. 我认为你仍然可以亡羊补牢 I think you still have time to work this out. 我会处理的 I"ll take care of it. 好的 Okay. 嘿… Hey. Hey. 你来这里做什么

 What are you doing here? 我只是想知道乌戈的情况 I just wanna know how Hugo is. -你知道你不能进去 -我知道 - You know you can"t go in there. - I know. 他处于昏迷状态 Well, he"s in a coma. 医生说他的情况很严重 但是稳定 所以… Doctor said his condition is serious but stable, so… 对你来说这是好事吗

 Is that a good thing for you? 他有很多话要告诉我 You know, he has a lot to tell me. 他在撞车前一刻打给我 He called me right before he crashed his car, 说他想把所有事告诉我 saying he wants to tell me everything. 说他受够了撒谎 Just tired of lying. 不知道他是什么意思 Wonder what he meant by that. 有什么想法吗

 Any clue? 希望他很快醒来 能帮我理清一些事 Well, hopefully, he wakes up soon so he could clear up a few things. 祝你今天愉快 Enjoy your day. 嘿 你好吗

 Hey, how you doing? (威利斯来电)

 嗨 队长 怎么了

 Hey, Lieutenant. What"s up? 你们俩的警徽和手♥枪♥都放在我桌上 Badges and guns on my desk, both of you. 什么

 What? 我说得很清楚 快点吧 You heard me. Let"s go. 威利斯 等等 Willis, wait a minute. -你们未取得搜查令就给房♥子安监听 -让我解释 - You wired a house without a warrant. - Let me explain. 你违背我的命令 我不想听你的解释 You disobeyed me. I don"t want to hear your explanation. 警徽和手♥枪♥放我桌上 立即 Badges and guns on my desk, now. 威利斯 这个案子会变成悬案 我不得不做点什么 Willis, this case was gonna go cold. I had to do something. 我知道他们与此案有关… I knew they were all involved and… 听着 我… Look, I-- 我知道我不该去追踪我所需要的证据 I know I wasn"t supposed to go after the evidence I needed -因为法官未批准我… -所以你可以凌驾于法律之上

 - because a judge wouldn"t let me-- - So, you"re above the law? 不 我的意思是司法系统 会让那些凶手逍遥法外 No. I"m saying that the law was going to let these killers get away. 长官 请让我澄清 我不认为我们凌驾于法律之上 Sir, can I just say, I do not consider us above the law. 但因为这些麦克风 我们有证据表示他们与此案有关 But we had proof that they were involved because of these microphones. 马科斯赫列罗用他爸的黑钱支付了勒索金

 Marcos Herrero paid the ransom with his dad"s dirty money. 如果法官不接受 就不算证据 It"s not evidence if the judge won"t accept it. 但我们现在知道真♥相♥了 对吗

 But now we know the truth, right? 我知道我们可以拿到法官会接受的证据 And I know I can get the evidence that a judge would accept. 我发誓 威利斯 拜托了 I promise you that. Willis, please. 你知道只有我能破这个案子 其他人都做不到 You know that I"m the only one that can solve this case. No one else can. 我会开展内部调查 I"m gonna open an internal investigation. 在此期间你们俩都停职查看 In the meantime, you"re both suspended from duty. 柏琳达 别动 Belinda, stop. 队长 Lieutenant… 柏琳达以为我们拿到了搜查令 麦克风是合法的 Belinda thought that the warrants went through and the mikes were legit. 否则她怎么会这么做

 I mean, why wouldn"t she? 那是我的决定 由我一人负责 It was my decision and mine alone. 所以她不该为此受惩罚 So she shouldn"t get punished 为她所不知道的事而担责 for something she didn"t know anything about. 我承担全部责任 I take full responsibility. 行吧 芙洛拉 Okay, Flora. 柏琳达 你可以离开了 Belinda, you can go. 你只能怪自己 You did this to yourself. 你为什么不告诉我你要求重新分♥析♥

 Why didn"t you tell me you asked for new analysis? 我现在告诉你了 有什么差别吗

 I"m telling you now. What difference does it make?

 有什么差别 我是你的主管 What difference does it make? I"m your superior officer. 那辆车上的每一个指纹都溯源了 Every print in that car was accounted for. 那我们一定是漏了什么 因为她是被人杀害的 Then we must have missed something, "cause someone killed her. 凶手一定留下了痕迹 They had to have left a trace. 你太痴迷了 You"re obsessed. 这我不否认 I won"t argue with that. 嘿 要不要赌一把 你愿意出什么 Hey, how much you wanna bet 如果我找到真凶身份的线索

 that I find something that will lead us to the killer? 请你吃晚餐 Dinner. 成交 Deal. 我喜欢你不意味着 你可以擅自行动 聂鲁达 The fact that I like you doesn"t mean you get to go rogue, Neruda. 领头的警探依旧是我 I"m still the lead detective here, 你别再未经我允许做任何决定 and you don"t make any decisions without running it by me first. 懂了吗

 Got it? 准备好掏钱包吧 我爱吃牛肋排 Get your wallet ready. I like prime rib. 好的 各位 我认为最重要的事 Okay, folks. I think the most important thing 在于我们终于拥有了媒体口碑 is we"re finally getting good press, 我认为这很大程度上 与参观流浪汉收♥容♥所♥有关 and I think a lot of that has to do with this visit to the homeless shelter. 我要佩德洛舀蔓越莓酱 What I want are pictures of Pedro s...

推荐访问:Now and Then《此时此刻(2022)》第一季第六集完整中英文对照剧本 此时此刻 第一季 剧本